Monday, September 19, 2016

Never Again

When one Jewish person is attacked because of his or her identity, the entire Jewish community feels assaulted. They do not forget the holocaust. People of African origins have suffered far more than any ethnic or social group since the beginning of time. But they are yet to develop their version of “never again” frame of mind. Jewish people have absolutely zero tolerance for anti-semitism.

People of African origins have suffered far more than any ethnic or social group since the beginning of time. Centuries of slavery, Jim Crow, Apartheid, just to name a few. When it comes to slavery, the most widely quoted figure is the 10.5 million slaves who made it to the Americas. The nearly 5 million who perished during the slave raids in Africa and at sea on their way to America are often forgotten. According to a recent study by the Equal Justice Initiative, nearly 4000 Blacks were lynched by a mob and hanged from a tree in the US, years after the 13th amendment of the US Constitution abolished slavery.

Africans are yet to develop their version of “never again” frame of mind. Africans tolerate racial injustice.

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